Saturday, April 6, 2013

Journal Post #11

Post 11 and the last one of the class. What a journey! This chapter Engaging teachers and students in learning and self-reflection is an interesting chapter. And this weeks focus question I chose is question two.

How can teachers and students use digital portfolios as tools for learning?

Interesting that this question is around the same time that we are now working on our own portfolios for this class. Digital portfolios offer an effective way for students and teachers alike to assess their teaching and learning accomplishments (Montgomery & wiley, 2008).

What is a digital portfolio?

  • A digital portfolio  also known as a multimedia portfoliom electronic portfolio, e-portfolio,  or webfolio, is a collection of educational materials stored in an electronic format such as a CD-ROM, website, or computer file. 
Three types of digital or electronic portfolios in use:
  1. Online Assessment Systems- where students store preselected pieces of work in a commerically or institutionally designed template. 
  2. Print Loaded- portfolio that takes a paper text and displays it electronically.
  3. Web Sensible-  portfolio that uses "text boxes, hyperlinking, visuals, audio texts and design elements to convey a teacher's materials. 
As with anything there are advantages and disadvantages to digital/electronic portfolios-

  • Accessibility
  • Portability
  • Creativity
  • Technological self-confidence
  • Community
  • Knowledge and skill requirements
  • Professional support
  • Expensive equipment
  • Time and energy
  • Need for increased viewer skills and equipment
  • Presentation distracts from content

Portfolios for Teachers follow patterns established in other professions. Teachers design their teaching portfolios in many different and creative ways. But most collections include certain elements that document one's academics, teaching, and talents and accomplishments.
  • Resume
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Lesson Plans or Unit Plan
  • Academic Courses and Research Experiences
  • Teaching Experience
  • Personal Talents and Accomplishments
  • References
  • Reflections
  • Video and Pictorial Segments
  • Resource Links

Ironically while there is two tech tools, I chose Tech Tool 11.1 and of course this tool is also about Digital portfolio building resources.  

TaskStream- popular digital archiving tool used for web design and portfolio. Provides users with a variety of design options including presentation portfolios, learning or work portfolios tailored to document one's learning process, and resource portfolios that can access by both the world and specified closed communities. Other features include a standards manager, lesson plan and unit builders, and customizable measurement tools. 

iLife- iLife is a software created by Apple. After importing photo images into the latest versions of iphoto, imovie, ect.,  you can add text, titiels, keywords and sound effects to your photographs and digital video files.

EduTools- a website sponsored by the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (WCET). Provides online reviews and comparisons and consultations for teachers and schools interested in using e-learning tools, including e-portfolios. it also provides reviews of online college, advanced placement, and high school courses.

The above links are great places to start with an digital portfolio. The idea of having a digital profile is the way things will be in the future. And for teachers and students this is a great tool to use in order to house and share all of your work. 

Alot of information is out there about digital portfolios. And while I am beginning my own e-portfolio for this very class it was a very useful chapter for me, a useful question to answer and a useful tech tool. Overall this was yet another great chapter of information of assessments, evaluations and digital portfolios. 

Overall since this is the last post for this class/book, throughout the book there has been great information that helped me learn about technology and how I can use it in my own classroom. I know that technology is constantly changing and as a teacher I will need to keep up the with the changes in technology and how to implement it into the classroom and of course make sure that what ever technology is introduced it meets the needs of all of my students in the classroom. I have enjoyed writing these posts, I hope that you have enjoyed reading them! 

And lastly  Chau! 

Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5   

1 comment:

  1. I like the conversational tone you have taken with this blog - it fits nicely and tells much about your learning as well as your personality. :) You have engaged with the content in this book well and I hope it remains a good foundation for you as you move forward in exploring educational technology. There is one more post to come - this time a true 'Reflection' ... more on that later! :)
